OK - so this was meant to be the year of taking more time for myself and making sure I do things that I love more (including scrapbooking). It was a nice thought that lasted until mid February, maybe even early March but here I am in mid April, over Easter, yet again stressed out and working too many hours in the day to take time out for myself. I have actually managed to landscape my backyard in my limited spare hours which is at least some "me time" but there has been very little scrapbooking. I do have some pages to show you that were done back in February / March but I just hadn't got around to uploading here.
The first is just a quick and simple LO of my first ever ballet. Not as a performer! As a spectator. I really enjoyed it and will certainly keep a look out for any other ballets coming to town.
The rest are for my wedding album. The first is my favourite photo take at our engagement party.
The next is a very different LO to the rest of the album. It is of Mum & I taking some time out at a wedding expo to muck about in a photo booth which was really good fun and a chance to escape the stress of the organisation and vendors.
The next 3 will end up being a set of 5 when they are finished
My something old is a locket that was owned by my Great Grandmother and has pictures of my nan & pop's wedding day inside it that was attached to my bouquet.
My something new is my wedding dress (so many new things to choose from)
My something blue was made by my maid of honour and is our wedding date embroided in blue thread to 1 of the underskirts of my dress
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