
Thursday, 20 September 2012

Slowly does it...

I am trying to make time for scrapping more often. It is hard to imagine that I used to do 3-4 pages per week and now I can't even get around to doing 3-4 pages a month (or quarter!) There are a few positives to that though, not needing nearly as many albums to store the multitudes of pages but also every time I do get around to sitting down to scrap it is like a discovery process with all of my old stash that I forgot I had!

Here is a page that I did with lots of leftover papers that I seem to hoard and forget about with a photo I had forgotten about. It is a picture taken on our trip to China earlier this year. It was our first morning exploring Beijing and we wandered into the people's park where there was a hive of activity going on. There was a large group of people twirling these long colourful ribbons and as any scrapbooker would, I took out my camera to start taking pictures of the wonderful shapes and colours. No sooner had I removed my camera from it's bag than this man ran in front of me (he had previously been sat on a park bench drinking a cup of tea) and started twirling and dancing and well, just generally showing off. We stood and watched his performance for a few minutes because he was so funny (and amazingly talented!)

I must have been in the mood to do bright, over the top pages this week as the other page I have completed is a silly picture of David and I. I can't even remember where we were when this was taken but as per usual, David was pulling silly faces whilst I was trying to get a nice picture of the 2 of us. Who knows what people will think in 50 years time when they look back at photos of us! Anyway, I realised that I haven't really used my sizable stash of paper and silk flowers for an awfully long time, probably ever since the lovely roses and other detailed blooms started hitting the shelves so I decided that I would use some here.

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