This is a LO of the memorial at Gallipoli for Simpson (1 part of the famous duo, Simpson and his donkey.) I found this to be a very poignant moment during my trip because you learn about Simpson, who was a medic during the war that found a donkey and used it to transport injured soldiers to safety. He was unforunately shot and killed during 1 of his trips to save wounded soldiers. The donkey out survived him.
This is a LO of Digger guarding a lemon that he stole of next doors lemon tree. I am really happy with how this page has turned out.
This is David stood in front of a stretched canvas of Torres and Gerrard at Anfied looking very happy!
I used all scraps of paper for this LO which is good as I have LOADS that I never use but refuse to throw out. I really need to try and use up more of them but I just love using the newest PP I have on each LO!
This is just a simple LO of a more arty pic I took when at Prekistolen in Norway. People that had climbed to the top had built little stone towers and I thought that this 1 had a fantastic view behind it!
This is a LO of the dune buggies in Vanuatu all lined up whilst we stopped off for some lunch at a beachside restaurant. The buggies were great fun to drive but probably also quite dangerous! Oh well - we survived to tell the story.